In 2005 No Limits commissioned Eurisko to study and verify its reputation, also in comparison with similar brands and / or competitors:
the result is exciting: out of the sample of the total number of interviewees, 27.8% had full perception of the brand.
A new notoriety research conducted by GFK in April 2015 shows that,
out of the total number of interviewees, the perception of the brand is confirmed by as many as 115 people:
wanting to compare the number of those who remembered the brand today,
compared to those who remembered it in 2005, there was a confirmation of knowledge of the brand equal to 41.37%.

Do you want to be part of the No Limits project? You can use it on the products you make.

The strength of the No Limits brand, combined with the strength of your brand, co-branding multiplies the communication strength of your products.

Historical archive
A history of more than thirty years, breaking down every limit of the human being, alongside extraordinary athletes who have given life to legendary feats.