The four souls No Limits

As every sport is the search for its own limits.
Dedicated to the producers of:
- All “technical sports” equipment and clothing (football, tennis, skating, skiing, snowboarding, volleyball, basketball, surfing, windsurfing, etc).
- Energy products and supplements

Because No Limits is a lifestyle and a positive and sporting message, to be worn with style.
Dedicated to the producers of:
- Casual dress
- Textile accessories
- Footwear

Contact us

The logic will take you
from A to B.
The imagination will
take you everywhere.

the crowd it will never
go again away from
the crowd.
The one who goes alone
It will more likely be
will find in places where
no one has ever arrived.

a parachute.
It just works
if it opens.

stronger than steam,
electricity and
atomic energy.
The will.

it's impossible
shouldn't bother
those who are
making it.

it is impossible to achieve,
until a fool arrives
who does not know
and invents it.